Mobile marketing might appear very complicated at first. Once you know what you are doing, it can be a very profitable strategy. If you don’t know what you are doing, you can lose a lot of money or lose customers. Fear not, the tips listed below can help you avoid this.
Allow your subscribers the option to opt-out of receiving your texts. The format of your messages should automatically include an “opt-out” set of instructions or sentence. You need to use words that get the message across that they can get out of your messages. This includes words like “UNSUBSCRIBE” and “STOP.”
Keep your mobile marketing simple. It is important to keep the number of required clicks to a minimum to raise the response of your efforts. Since using a mobile keypad is frustrating if it require excessive typing, do not require too much information to be given. Only ask questions that are absolutely needed and make your directions very clear.
Some mobile marketers get out of hand with their messaging and can send five to six messages a day per customer. Doing this sort of aggressive campaigning, will simply turn customers off to your business, especially if they have to pay for each individual text that they receive from you.
Never send a message that has not been requested. These unsolicited texts are known as spam, and they can cause a lot of problems for you. Spamming is illegal in most cases, and if you text someone without their explicit permission, you can face hefty fines and other major issues.
Make it easy for a customer to opt out of your messages. If a customer does not want to receive mobile messages from your business any longer, you should have a simple code they can text to you to remove themselves. Having a process that is too complicated can make people remove your business from their life all together.
Never copy someone else’s mobile strategy. Just because they may be doing well does not mean it is the right method for you. Customers like innovation, and if you are sending out similar messages or styles as your competitor, they may not be interested in making a change to you.
Learn what type of audience you have. If your audience is more technologically sound, you will need to talk to them differently than if they are middle-aged housewives. Pay attention to whom you are targeting, and learn how to speak the same way they do in order to make them feel most welcome.
Develop an app. Apps are programs for mobile devices that interact with customers in many different ways. They provide easy access to your business through the program the customer installs on their phone. Make your app useful and appropriate to attract the most attention and downloads from your current and potential customers.
Check out free mobile apps around the web and get some of these to offer your customers in your mobile marketing campaign. With a regular campaign, you can offer things like free eBooks and white papers. In the mobile world, however, people are really interested in apps. Find some cool ones to offer free.
Your mobile ads must be short and sweet or the customer will delete! Customers do not want or have the time to scroll through lengthy messages. Keep your ads as brief and concise as possible to increase the chances of it being read and of customers purchasing your product!
Identify what your brand is and who you are right away. People usually remember the first and the last things that they hear. You will want your brand name first and the product last. Keep the middle short and directly to the point, because people will not spend a lot of time looking at the advertisement.
Take advantage of mobile applications that many mobile consumers already use and are very popular, like Google Maps. Google has a Local Business Center that will list your your business on their Google Maps for that region. This way, your business will be targeted to the audience local to your area.
Check out what your competition is doing. Look for their blog or website on your own smartphone and see what they are up to. Take a look at the social media that they are promoting and how they are engaging their customers. When you take a look at your competition, it will give you some ideas about what you need to do.
Make sure your website is accessible from any mobile phone. This way, you’ll make sure that every prospective customer has the ability to see what you’re offering the way you want them to. Load your site on various platforms to see how it appears, and make changes as necessary so that everyone who visits your site can enjoy the same functionality.
Don’t forget branding. In your rush to start mobile marketing, you might forget that your mobile marketing efforts need to be integrated into your larger marketing efforts and your brand. Expanding your brand recognition will help bring you more customers, so don’t forget about your brand when communicating with prospective customers via cellphone.
Integrate all of your social platforms with any location-based accounts that you have. Connect your website, blog, Twitter and Facebook URLs with your location-based pages as soon as possible. All platforms, including your mobile-marketing one, should have a consistent representation of your brand, or you risk confusing your customer base.
Do not make mobile marketing a goal. You will not be successful if you rely only on this kind of marketing. You should approach mobile marketing as a way of communicating with your audience, among other techniques of marketing. This method might be more appropriate for a certain group of customers.
So as you can see, mobile marketing is not as complicated as it may appear. You do need to research the basics, and methodically apply what you learn. With the above tips in mind, you should be smarter and more effective when it comes to creating your mobile marketing plan.